Thermokey KH1250BMVW1AIRAS
KondensoryUsed Thermokey KH1250BMVW1AIRAS air-cooled condenser on Freon built in 2022. Complete with 2 EBM-Papst A4E500-AM03-01 fans - 50/60 Hz - 0,68/0,88 kW - 1300/1400 RPM - diameter 500 mm and a total airflow of 14.600 m³/h.
*All components of this used condensors will be tested on good working, leak free condition (electro engines), condensing block, bearings. Choosing HOSBV means buying with warranty. We perform a industrial cleaning and rust spots will be covered. Also, we can arrange your shipment.
Numer produktu | 17153 |
Marka | Thermokey |
Typ | KH1250BMVW1AIRAS |
Typ produktu | Air Cooled Condenser |
kW | 52,3 |
Liczba wentylatorów | 2 |
Prdkość obrotów wentylatora (obr/min) | 1300 / 1400 |
Czynnik chłodzący | Freon |
Przepływ powietrza w m³/h | 14.600 |
wentylatory o średnicy Ø | 500 mm |
Powierzchnia (m2) | 85 m² |
Objętość rurki | 8 dm³ |
Rozmiary | 2250x900x1220 mm (LxWxH) |
Waga | 150 kg |
Uwagi | | Y.o.b. 2022 |
Liczba sztuk | 1 |