Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640


Used Lu-ve SAV6R 6640 air-cooled condenser on Freon. Complete with 4 EBM-Papst A3G630-AC52-58 fans - 50/60 Hz - 0,18 kW - 690 RPM - diameter 630 mm and a total airflow of 14.400 m³/h.
*All components of this used condensor will be tested on adequate functionality, leak free condition (electro engines), condensing block, bearings. Choosing HOSBV means buying with warranty. We perform an industrial cleaning on demand, we can arrange your shipment.


Numer produktu 17269
Marka Lu-Ve
Typ SAV6R 6640
Typ produktu Air Cooled Condenser
kW 65,2
Liczba wentylatorów 4
Prdkość obrotów wentylatora (obr/min) 690
Czynnik chłodzący Freon
Przepływ powietrza w m³/h 14.400
wentylatory o średnicy Ø 630 mm
Powierzchnia (m2) 150,8
Objętość rurki 24 dm³
Rozmiary 4300x600x1100 mm (LxWxH)
Waga 298 kg
Uwagi | Y.o.b. 2013
Liczba sztuk 1


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Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
Lu-Ve SAV6R 6640
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